
Fashionandfables: Where every garment tells a tale

New Arrivals

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Meet MB:

I am a fashion journalist and writer turned art and creative director who also moonlights as a stylist and photographer. What can I say? I enjoy wearing many hats—literally too! I love clothes like you love ice cream, perhaps even more. Born in Nigeria, I grew up in the Netherlands, where my interest in vintage was sparked by visits to flea markets with my mother and sister. Life has taken me on this amazing—and sometimes surreal—journey with pit stops in London, New York, Munich, and Morocco. I am now based in Cologne, where I am the sole creative behind Fashionforfables, amongst others. From poetry and folklore to parables—and even the lyrics to your favorite songs—the art of storytelling informs all I do. The best part about vintage for me are the fables that hang on the hemlines of the rare garments found. It is my hope that fashionforfables makes you feel like you are perusing an amazing estate sale on a perfect sunny day, with music playing in the background, and in the intervals, you hear inspiration calling your name.


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